Dust Diseases Tribunal New South Wales


icare is a separate organisation to the Dust Diseases Tribunal.

The Tribunal hears civil matters while icare supports people who have developed a dust disease after being exposed to harmful dust while employed in NSW.

The Dust Diseases Care page on the icare site outlines some a range of health and support services provided to people exposed to a compensable dust disease contracted at a workplace. Families of those affected by dust diseases can also access support.

For more information email DAenquiries@icare.nsw.gov.au or phone 02 8223 6600 or 1800 550 027. 

Prior to icare, the Workers Compensation Dust Diseases Board of NSW examined and managed claims for compensation (not damages) from people in NSW exposed to harmful dust at work.

The Board administered the Workers Compensation (Dust Diseases) Board Fund and the Workers Compensation (Dust Diseases) Act 1942.

Last updated:

17 Apr 2024

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