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Please note that the preferred method of contacting the Dust Diseases Tribunal is by email:
Locked Bag 16
(02) 9377 5440
National Relay Service (NRS): Speak and Listen 1300 555 727
The NRS is an Australian Government initiative that uses relay officers as the central link in every phone call, relaying exactly what is said or typed. It provides eight different relay options depending on the NRS user's needs and abilities. It is not restricted to text alone and is more flexible than dedicated TTY-to-TTY calls because at least one party to the call can use an ordinary phone.
SMS relay 0423 677 767
The President, The Honourable Justice Sarah Huggett
Contact the Judge’s Associate, Ms Tayla Curry on 02 9377 5821
His Honour Judge A Scotting
Contact the Judge’s Associate, Ms L Waite on (02) 9377 5120
His Honour Judge D Russell SC
Contact the Judge’s Associate, Ms D Mageropoulos on (02) 9377 5322
Her Honour Judge W Strathdee
Contact the Judge’s Acting Associate, Ms S Hampton, on (02) 9377 5322
Registrar Daniel Watson
Contact the Tribunal Registrar, Registrar Daniel Watson on (02) 9377 5300
Emergency after hours contact: 0411 023 169 (no SMS)
Refer to our Practice and Procedure page for guidance before emailing
Of relevance are:
Advice to Practitioners No. 1 of 2019 (DOC, 88.5 KB) - Urgent Bedside Hearing Application - Gravely Ill
Advice to Practitioners No. 2 of 2019 (DOCX, 46.3 KB) - Electronic Court protocol
Fax: (02) 9377 5434
Please note: The Court does not accept the filing of documents by facsimile apart from Advice to Practitioners No. 2 of 2013 (DOC, 85.0 KB)
Level 12, John Maddison Tower
88 Goulburn Street
View the location of the Tribunal on Google Maps
There are 3 train stations within walking distance to the Dust Diseases Tribunal:
Museum, which is on the corner of Elizabeth and Oxford streets, is closest
Town Hall and Central are both about 10 minutes’ walk away.
City Rail services and timetable
Sydney buses information & timetable
A car park is situated directly opposite the court buildings, with others within walking distance. The entry to the nearest car park is in Goulburn Street close to the corner of Elizabeth Street.
The Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) provide media support for the Dust Diseases Tribunal. Any inquiries should be directed to the DCJ media team:
Phone: (02) 9716 2804
17 Jan 2025
We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and we pay respect to the Elders, past, present and future.